  Monday, February 10, 2025
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locate a gps on my Porsche...   
Recently I bought an old Porsche for not much money. The 3rd day I had it while returning from town in the dark, some fool came roaring up behind me a ...I outran him like playing with a baby for about 8 miles on a very dark and windy road. As I swung into my road, he went by doing 70 in a 35....oh, it was a sherrif!
Well, long story short, a month later my car ended up in impound, and came back with a gps, Problem: I can't find it. Even with a $200 device that vibrates and lights up when the gps is active. It acts like it's using the frame as an antennae. The locator indicates that it's under the dashboard in the heater/fan box. Then the signal appears to be coming from under the front right strut. Then a door. Question: where are most gps`s located? Is there a way to disable it?

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