  Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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So you have got quite a bit of info from Aza   
Amulet of fury is nonetheless a good amulet, the best hybrid amulet in fact. Melee weapons if you don't have chaotics you could purchase Drygores, they are better but very costly. If you do not need to spend a great deal of money then just use your Saradomin Godsword. (or go train Dung and get a maul)

Magic weapons you can purchase Virtus wand + book, but they're even more costly than Drygores. Seismic wand + singurarity are absurd costly atm, the ge price states that the wand is worth 500Mish but it's actually worth 2Bish. If you don't need to devote a lot simply buy an Arma battlestaff, it's not as good as a Chaotic staff but it's better than SoL at least.

Ranged - Crystal bow isn't too bad, but it's not the perfect weapon for somebody with your stats and money. You should at the very least create a Royal Crossbow. I really don't know how to do this because I do not have yet, but I am told it is simple (and also the Royal Xbow is a tier 80 weapon). If you're like me and cba to earn the crossbow you could always purchase a Zaryte (60Mish), it is a grade 80 weapon, demands no ammo like the Crystal bow and also degrades very slowly. The grade 90 weapons would be the Ascension crossbows, both worth 255Mish each so to purchase the two you'd need to devote 500M+. I have Pernix and I do PvP and bossing using it only. I'm actually using it to camp ascension dungeon atm, but that is because I am trying to get 99 Ranged this weekend and will need to get as much exp each hour as you can.

So you have got quite a bit of info from Aza, Fatia and Kamil, I'd just add a few things: A participant with maxed stats just like you should be seeking to have the POP (Player owned ports, a new D & D) armours. These come in two types- a superior, non tradeable edition, or a slightly weaker, tradeable version. A significant difference is that the tradeable version degrades to dust. However, these armour sets require an important quantity of time to obtain. Till then, I'd suggest utilize the Bandos and Armadyl you have stored from the bank. There is not much to profit from buying Nex sets when you will be selling them straight after you get POP gear.

If you are interested, please click https://www.winrsgold.com/

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