  Saturday, January 18, 2025
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GPS voice video automatic announcer   
LED screen output for displaying information
unlimited bus line voice information
Support to insert public services phrase, advertisement, common phrase and other voice message
Support multi languages
Audio message can be changed easily by using PC software
USB 2.0 used for fast data transmission
Bus Inside/outside voice report for reminding passengers
Different place,different time advertisements can be set and auto announcement
Overspeed warning function
Micro sd card support up to 32GB
Store at least 100 routes,based on memory size,up to 2000routes
Display route maximum to 255 LED display (front, side, and rear) of a bus.
Connect to advertising LCD display in the bus. unlimit LCD support
With inbuilt 20W amplifier, and able to connect to at least 6 speakers in the bus.
With goose mic for announcement.
Able to play video clip (movies, advertisement, etc) ,support interrupt function
With the GPS, the system will be able to detect the coming station, and announce “Arriving station”, and at the same time display “Arriving station” on the LCD
Once the bus leave the station, the system will announce “Next station ”, and at the same time display “Next station ” on the LCD, this will be default message when the bus is moving.
Able to announce and display message (on the LCD)
Support to display the distance to next station( KM to next station)
To testing routes via Google earth and google map
Embedded Linux OS with high performance
Linux os easy to expended functions
Software functions customization Support
GPS signal and data auto record
Easy to handle diffcult routes

We can offer whole solution for LED destination board and Video advertising LCD ,GPS station auto announce.
Please inquiry as at Tamo Technology Co ltd

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