  Thursday, December 12, 2024
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GPS Road Navigation System - Speaks Korean   
Good day. My company is in the market for an auto navigation system for use in the USA (primarily New England), which can also speak Korean. Any recommendations?

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10:22:07 AM
2013 GPS
Hey guys,

Well i am moving to New yourk from Ca and the problem is that my gps doesnt work properly and i want to change my gps system as quick as possible and it would be a great help if you suggest me some good dvd and gps mixed device which will help me a lot
i need a good gps so that i can traver in ny without any problem..
and here is a product which my friend is telling me to buy buy i think its too expensive.

[URL=http://www.autocardvdgps.com/accent-dvd-gps/68-hyundai-accent-car-dvd-player-with-built-in-gps-nav-receiver-tv-radio-stereo-bluetooth-ipod-control.html]Hyundai Accent[/URL]

Post Reply

01:33:16 AM
Gps technology
We are providing best gps vehicle tracking system and we are in the market from many years. We make this software with many features even speak road navigation.
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