  Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Google Nexus One Forum   
We just heared this Google is coming up with the new GPS enabled smartphone called Google Nexus One and we would like to open up forum for anyone to comment about this device as only few bits of information available about Google Nexus One. Please post specs or other types of information if you have with regards to Google Nexus One.

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12:11:21 PM
Google Nexus One review has been added
We just added review of this smartphone which can be found here http://reviews.gpsfaq.com/about.aspx?detail=googlenexusone
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12:16:46 PM
HTC is making Google Nexus One
This is just in from multiple sources. HTC is the company that is making HTC Nexus One and Google is a brand name plus all of its software.
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12:44:40 PM
Google Nexus One = HTC Passion
It is HTC Passion version of their smartphone lines. This is just branded as Google Nexus One..
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11:29:41 AM
Nexus One will be free smartphone
I am not how true this is but I heared that Nexus One will be offered for free to public. I guess having billions in cash google can let itself gain market share with this approach.
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04:21:48 PM
Checkout www.google.com/phone
They have a lot more information on google.com site.
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12:13:47 PM
ordered nexus one online
i just ordered it online at google site and wanted to ask how long will it take to get it?
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