  Saturday, September 28, 2024
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GPS Solution with CDMA 450MHz ?   
Hello guys..im not an expert with gps technologies. i have some horse in my farm. Sometimes they travel in wide pasture for a week and i need to assemble and bring them back to home after that. Now im looking for a mobile solution for searching my horses. i mean if i know the coordinate where my horses are, then i can see the place on google earth etc. and i dont need to waste my time for searching in wrong places.

So what i want to ask you is that: Is there any gps device, which uses sim card(cdma 450MHz, because the area has only cdma provider) and sends the coordinate to my cell phone in particular period of time? how long can such device work with full charged battery?

i would really appreciate for every suggestions and thank you in advance.

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05:42:31 PM
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