  Thursday, February 13, 2025
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I purchased a GPS from Focal Price which is 7" Window CE 6.0 GPS but they did not send the Micro SD Card with it and I was stuck with a non-operating GPS for so many months since September. They have been giving me the run around until this time with regards to getting the SD Card. I finally got the SD Card but it's empty. They told me that I should download the US/Canada Map online to the SD Card to make my GPS work. I really had a hard time dealing with those people at Focal Price. I do not know if they can't understand my English because they are from China or they are just giving me the run around on purpose. Can somebody please help me and tell what to do so I can make use of the GPS that I have? Help...Help...Help...

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04:13:11 AM
Just recently I posted the dilemma I had in dealing with Focal Price regarding the GPS that I bought from them because they have been giving me the run around since September without getting any result. I bought a 7" Window CE 6.0 GPS from them and they sent it without the Micro SD that runs the GPS. After so many months, I finally got the SD Card but it is empty. I really need your help. Can somebody please help me so I can make use of the GPS? You can email me at edato2@hotmail.com Please...please ...please... Thank you in advance!
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01:06:35 AM

What model you buy a GPS?
Detailed instructions it?
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