  Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Report A Stolen GPS   
With the number of increase in GPS thefts PocketGPSWorld.com along with the Police forces across the country has initiated to create a National Register of stolen GPS receivers which the investigators can use to identify the owners of recovered devices. maybe that cud help here's the link check it...

Post Response 
08:26:19 PM
Police database
Imagine this: On a dreary Saturday morning you get in your car to head out for a road trip with your GPS (Global positioning satellite) unit for the start of another long trip. As you go to punch in your trip destination your realize that your GPS unit has been stolen.
This situation is more prevalent than you may think. We estimate that over 2.5 million GPS units will be stolen during 2008 in the US. To compound the problem, even if the police were to find the thief and recover your GPS unit, they have almost no idea who owns it or how to get it back to you! Why? Because you never wrote down the serial numbers and the paperwork accompanying it is long gone. You filed a police report, but with no serial number to report, your GPS could be stored away in some police evidence room with thousands of others just like it across the state or across the country, never to be returned to you again.
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04:05:19 AM

Exactly so without the following details it impossible to get ur device back
Serial Number
Any identifying marks

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04:11:26 AM

Yup without those details its immpossible!!!! what about the site u posted www.juststolen.net..... do they help you recover ur stolen stuff back....
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07:48:49 AM

hey does this really help has anyone managed to get their device back....
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Report Stolen GPS
03:39:59 PM
A free stolen GPS database
You can report a stolen GPS to police for free.
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03:12:56 PM
STOLEN Nuvi260Garmin Reply to Report Stolen GPS's post dated 11/24/2009 3:39:59 PM
I have the serial number,But because I can not plug in the unit..I can not form an E-mail account.
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Gloria Navarro
03:14:35 PM
MY GPS Garmin 260Nuvi was stolen!!
Seerial #1H3107270
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04:32:21 PM
stolen gps
I had my gps stolen # 1gt065765, also my comerciant # 532318-1141.
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Kallol Sengupta
03:08:09 PM
Lost my GPS in Columbus on 26th June 2010 at Columbus
I have lost my GPS (Garmin NUVI 1350) having the unique product Serial No.1NP386819 Unit Id: 3727071513 . Reported the matter to Columbus Police Department.
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Garmin GPS NUVI 200
04:48:07 AM
stolen Garmin Nuvi 200 serial 19a812141
My Garmin GPS was stolen from my vehicle parked at Hotel in Kearny Mesa SanDiego, CA on 2/26/2011. Product name: nüvi® 200
Serial number: 19a812141
Unit Id: 3391237886
I have reported the incident to San Diego Police on 2-26-11.
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brenda bernal
05:50:31 PM
stolen tomtom gps
On ,or around jan 30th, 2012 , my GPS was stolen from my Rav 4 parked directly in front of my apt.at 13 townhouse rd, manchester NH. is there anyway i will ever get it back? why are they not traceable?
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