04:11:09 AM
i think you need to spend some time for this, i don't know whether updates are available for this product on the sites.
04:13:42 AM
Can i change voices and update poi's on my unit?
04:17:57 AM
I don't know about the voices but u can update and add poi's including red light photos.
07:04:19 PM
Map support
I purchased the unit and yes I would agree that it is simple to use and does all that you need it to do.
What ticked me off was that it was sold with very outdated firmware and the maps are from 2007. I went to the site to get the latest virsion and couldn’t find it.
Upon emailing tech support I was told that for an additional $80 I could get the latest maps.
I just bought it… shouldn’t there be some sort of “one free upgrade” or “a year of tech support and firmware updates” or SOMETHING!!??!!??
Very, very disappointed. It’s going back to Costco tomorrow. :-( I’ll find something with a newer version that I won’t have to upgrade until the end of 2009 at least.
12:41:05 PM
Magellan Maestro 3225
I just got the Magellan Maestro 3225 for Christmas and was told unit had 2007 maps on it and required an upgrade that would cost money. I just got it three days ago. I am ldging complaints with the BBB and taking the product back to BJ's.
I recommend that no one ever buys anything from Magellan - you will be ripped off!
Im Screwed
12:03:47 AM
Magellan Sucks
I shopped around for a GPS for my wife for Christmas and chose a Tomtom One XL.
But to my surprise my daughter bought ME this Magellan Maestro 3225.
It works really good and I really like it, until I noticed some of the POI data is OLD and outdates.
UNLIKE the Tomtom I bought my wife, when I try to go find a place I can downoload updates to this data for this Magellan Maestro, it COST MORE THAN THE FRIGGIN GPS originally cost, and its all OLD data from 2007.
This stinks!!! Thank heavens I bought my wife the good one.
12:31:06 AM
Magellan Maps
Someone told me has the maps for free, but I think they are pirated and you should not download them, because that would be bad.
Tea bag
07:52:19 AM
Boooo to Magellan
I f you need a GPS device Do not buy a Magellan 3225. There Tech-support is unsatifactory and no free updates. The only thing cool about this GPS is the screen turns black at night.... But don't they all do that? Sorry Magellan but your product SUCKS.. :~
Tea bag
07:53:46 AM
Boooo to Magellan
I f you need a GPS device Do not buy a Magellan 3225. There Tech-support is unsatifactory and no free updates. The only thing cool about this GPS is the screen turns black at night.... But don't they all do that? Sorry Magellan but your product SUCKS.. :~
Tea bag
07:54:01 AM
Boooo to Magellan
I f you need a GPS device Do not buy a Magellan 3225. There Tech-support is unsatifactory and no free updates. The only thing cool about this GPS is the screen turns black at night.... But don't they all do that? Sorry Magellan but your product SUCKS.. :~
Tea bag
07:54:01 AM
Boooo to Magellan
I f you need a GPS device Do not buy a Magellan 3225. There Tech-support is unsatifactory and no free updates. The only thing cool about this GPS is the screen turns black at night.... But don't they all do that? Sorry Magellan but your product SUCKS.. :~
Magellan Sucks
10:20:54 PM
I just got the phone with Delta phasets and the are sending me new handles because my cleaning lady lost one of my hot/cold labeled caps. No cost to me. Why would i buy a $79 update when the new units with traffic updates cost $129?
10:46:16 PM
need up date
Reply to djisc's post dated 4/29/2008 4:11:09 AM
my magellen is not proper working.
09:48:45 PM
Reply to Avard's post dated 12/27/2008 12:41:05 PM
don't ever jump to conclusions and return the gps to the store. you have to first understand what a gps is and how they work. even though some info. tells you to buy updated maps when you first buy the unit, thats not true. the gps already comes with most udated maps from the factory settings and ready to go. if you want to buy an update for maps you can and sometimes it won't update much or will update a lot depending on what needs to be updated. a lot of this is misled by info. people read and hear from others that don't have enough knowledge on gps units and most people tend to listen to the negative statements because they don't want to learn whats right and react to quick. i've had a magellan for a while and have a lot of experince with them and they are very good units, just understand how they work.
09:50:17 PM
Reply to rashid's post dated 12/26/2009 10:46:16 PM
what is your gps doing or not doing. i'll try to give you some insight to fixing your problem
George Pichini
05:06:43 PM
magellan 3225
My Magellan 3225 stopped working. All i can get is a blue screen With the word magellan across the middle and a blue line comes across the open bar. I tried to reset it and nothing worked
02:22:29 AM
Reply to George Pichini's post dated 1/21/2010 5:06:43 PM
The Worst GPS is Magellan 3225 Do not buy it at all.
03:36:30 PM
Maestro 225
Every time I use the 12V car adaptor the unit tells me that"USB has been connected to the unit". I am unable to get that off my Magellan screen. Basically, the car adaptor is of no use??
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
06:29:20 PM
DC car adapter
Reply to clarence's post dated 5/29/2010 3:36:30 PM
On Ebay there is a site that advertises a car DC adapter that they claim will not cause the problem you are having. It is pretty cheap. There are a lot of adapters so you will need to read the description of all of them until you find the one that specifies if will work in the car without problems.
Link Imsosickofdumbpeople Meup
12:53:37 AM
Magellan Maestro Rocks
Fact: The Maestro 3225 rocks. I got mine for $59 bucks not quite 2 years ago and found the 2009 maps and 6 million POI on a P2P site for free. I now have the 2010 maps and it has over 7 million POI all for free. Just look around. Google is your friend. I agree the updates from Magellan's site are a ridiculous price, but that is where they make their money. It is Windows CE based unlike ToM Tom or Garmin meaning it can be modded to watch movies, play games, listen to music, run various other GPS programs, and many other things. Don't listen to the complaints. Go to and learn all about Miopocket 4.0 and how you can easily "unlock" your Maestro 3225 to do more than just help you get from point A to point B.
Link Imsosickofdumbpeople Meup
01:17:23 AM
Magellan Maestro Rocks
Reply to Link Imsosickofdumbpeople Meup's post dated 12/27/2010 12:53:37 AM
I just wanted to ellaborate. I Modded the Maestro 3225 to run Miopocket 4.0. Miopocket allows you to run tons of apps which include games and a movie player that can play many movie files .avi, .mp4 .flv, etc. It has Windows Media Player CE (Compact Edition) that plays multiple audio files. There are picture viewer apps, paint, notepad, winrar all can be ran from the Maestro. Tom Tom and Garmin can't do it like this and they are more expensive. I'm just saying.
09:19:17 AM
Magellan Maestro 3225
Reply to Link Imsosickofdumbpeople Meup's post dated 12/27/2010 12:53:37 AM
Thanks for the info. I will try the website you suggested. I'm not very computer savvy when it comes to this type of stuff. I was wondering if I have any trouble can I ask for your assistance?
omar montalvo
03:55:13 PM
Reply to Avard's post dated 12/27/2008 12:41:05 PM
William Lesser
10:19:38 PM
How do I update my Magellan Maestro 3225 GPS
How do I update my Magellan Maestro 3225 GPS?