  Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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GSH advanced GS-07 cell phone signal jammer   
Advanced jammer. Block satellite phone signals.
Adopt aluminium alloy materials and have a good heat dispersion.
The jamming area can be adjusted precisely and can work continuously.
1.Frequency jamming band: GSM, CDMA, DCS, 3G, Satellite phone etc.
2.Working frequency: 851M-894M, 935M-960M, 1805M-1880M, 1525M-1559M, 2110M-2170M
3.The jammer has 5 transmitter systems, each transmitter output 5watts (output is adjustable)
4.Application: jails, churches, meeting rooms, cars(can use vehicle adapter)etc.
5.Covering range reaches to 0-70 meters radius depending on the signal strength
7.Dimension: 290MM*110MM*40MM
8.Power adapter: 5V12AAC110V-240V 50/60Hz
We take use of our customized power supply, which can live 3 times than the power supply of our competitors.
Our jammers can live 2 times than the jammers of our competitors.

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elham shahine
05:17:36 PM
gsm jammer circuits
i need to know how can i design gsm jamer circuit
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03:19:03 AM
wifi jammer Reply to elham shahine's post dated 4/24/2009 5:17:36 PM
Really is a risk and make the speed of my network slow if others know the password of my wifi, but I need to use it sometimes so when I do not need to use the wifi net I use the wifi jammer to block the signal and protect my net. I get the device .
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09:54:42 PM
Searching For Answers About Golf?
With all the video games and various golf simulators available on the market today, more people are being drawn to golfing as its presence expands. If you've wanted to learn how to golf in general or if you're looking to make some improvements, make sure you read and use the tips provided below.

A helpful tip when it comes to golf is to make sure that the last club you use in practice before heading out on the golf course is the first club you use when you tee off. This will ensure that you are ready for your first shot - the most important one of the day.

Adjusting the choke applied to the club - how high or low the shaft is gripped - is the throttle good golfers use to moderate their shots' distance. Choking down on the club reduces power for shorter, more controlled shots. Choking up releases the full power of the golfer's swing for maximum distance.

Setting ambitious scoring goals can improve your golf performance. When you aim to shave an extra point or two off your score or dedicate yourself to improving your performance on a particular hole, you are setting challenges for yourself that you will strive to achieve subconsciously. You may not reach every lofty goal, but in reaching for them you will see better overall performance.

Keep your head down! Your natural instinct is to immediately lift your hear up to see where the ball is going, but it is important to make sure you make accurate contact between the club and the ball. Turn the ball face up so that you see the logo. Imagine that the middle of our club hits that logo and watch as you do it. Look up after contact is made.

Are you having trouble slicing the ball away from you? Did the ball leave you in the shape of a banana? This is easy to fix. Move 2 inches closer to the ball so that your ball is just an inch away from the hosel. People's first reaction during a swing is to pull yourself away from the ball. This will be corrected by moving up on the hosel.

Golf is a game that takes a lot of concentration. You cannot luck into being a good golfer either. You need to have the skill. That's why you need to make sure you read, absorb and implement these golfing tips the next time you're out on the course. A few simple tips will go a long way.

golf clubs for sale on www.wholesalegolfclubs.us
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